Coronavirus (COVID-19) – AMCS – Update

Wednesday 17th June 2020

Currently we are experiencing an unprecedented demand for service and repairs to caravans & motorhomes and are currently restricting bookings to existing customers only.

During July we will be completing service and repairs postponed from earlier in the year and hopefully getting customers off on a well deserved but delayed holiday.

At this time we cannot accept new, non existing, customer bookings for any service and repairs to caravans or motorhomes via our mobile service as the diary is full until October 2020 with spaces reserved for returning customers.

If you are not an existing customer please visit or for alternative providers in the area.

Workshop bookings for damp and accident repairs are not affected and we welcome workshop enquiries from our service partners and referrals from our engineer network contacts.

Enquiries can be made for future bookings via email to

Take Care & Stay Safe