Swift Challenger -Front End Damp Repair

Damp Found On You Annual Service – Or Worst Still – Blinds Falling Off?

All caravans can suffer from Water Ingress (Damp) if you keep on top of your annual servicing or a regular damp test repair costs can be minimal. If not it can be expensive.

This Swift Challenger has water ingress issues at the front from a failed seal and loose window rail. Unfortunately the ingress has been around for a while and has extended to the shelf.

A usual repair for us and we are cracking on, the original shelf is not available from Swift so a replacement will be made in original Birch trim.


With all front timber and wallboard replaced the shelf manufacture and rebuild is now in progress.

All repairs are completed using manufacturer approved sealants & materials.

For a damp repair, caravan service or general repair please get in touch.

#damprepair #caravan #motorhome #amcs #swiftapproved #jobdoneright